Just finished a great book THE POSTMISTRESS , World War II novel follows Frankie Bard, female reporter in London during the Blitz, I thought a little slow at first but really becomes a good read.
Off to the library today to volunteer and pick up some books on hold. My next read will be MIDDLESEX it was recommended by a librarian.
Another quilt to show you, this one I used oriental fabrics, it was fun to make, I had it quilted by someone with dragonflies allover.
Have been practicing my machine quilting the last few days and boy do I need practice..
My diet is going good down another 3 pounds, I am wearing a Body Media arm band that tracks my movements so I can tell if I am getting enough exercise. I log on the computer and it records all my movements even my sleep patterns. It has been keeping me on track. I log in my daily food.
I am following the Mediterranean (probably spelled wrong) Diet. My new way of life according to the doctor.
Well off to the gym or I won't fit it in before the library.